Dude, if you haven’t planned your summer, you are screwed. All the good programs are taken. No, I’m being serious.
Your kid can probably work at the local corner store and call that a job at this point. You need to get on this like STAT. All the best consultants are booked. All the test prep classes are getting full.
See, all the students that are part of my peak performance group have already planned out impeccable summers. Some of them are going to Cornell’s Inspiring Leadership program, some are going to Yale, some are traveling to Europe, some are going to work with New York Times writers, you name it, we planned it. Many have planned out getting test prep with us through Skype or in person in Houston.
But, I have some advice for you last minute parents. Trust me, summer programs don’t get discounted because supply exceeds demand. This isn’t cheap-o-air trying to book last minute flights. You want to start checking this off your to-do list.
But, let’s talk about your plans for how you are handling your child’s college application process this summer. Now, your school will say to you – Oh we are CLOSED during the summer – so we will get back to you in August.This is how the celebrity families do it – I work with billionaires, I work with partners at top oil and gas firms, I work with tech moguls in Silicon Valley, I work with tech professionals at SAP that are busy working, here is how it goes for the SMART FAMILIES for juniors. If you have a 10th grader or 9th grader you may want to read this too – and see how you can book ahead with me.
So, here is how to execute.
If you have a junior: block out one or two weeks to complete all the college applications. Yes, you heard me right. Make time for this. My consulting clients who I am working with (I have only one slot left for this program), will work with me, and in a handful of sessions, my team and I will completely work in detail on the essays, resume, and applications so they can submit prior to school starting. Two Hour Blocks each day. That's it!
If you are a busy parent and want a DONE FOR YOU SERVICE – I am your girl.I literally can get this done for you and our team will get this done in less than 14 days. Yes, you heard me right. Email me here if you want that one slot.
School College Counselors are off in Paris eating macaroons. What am I doing? Getting things done to make sure your child gets the BEST chances possible of getting in.
College deadlines moved up. No joke. Students will be applying to college and submitting on July 1st for many schools. Less than 50 school days they can submit. Yeah, what does your college counselor have to say about that?
If you have a 10th grader – start getting information now and make your reservation ahead of time. My company literally grows by over 100% year after year – so if you want me to work with your kid, get ahead of the game.Also, if you have a 10th grader and want help with the PSAT or SAT or ACT – let’s get that set up for you, too.

Plan your summer. Get this off your to-do list. The best consultants book in advance. I typically book 12 months in advance, so if you have a 10th grader or 9th grader, I only work with a small handful of students, so let’s do this.
If you have a junior, you are very late in the game. Email me here.
Stop procrastinating like your teenager. Don’t let them call the shots on timelines.
You are the parent.
The best always goes fast. You know that. Go try to book an appointment with Oprah’s doctor and let me know how long the waitlist is.
Yes, I have been to Oprah's doctor.
Email me here. Let me get this done for you in less than 10 days.Plan Your Summer TODAY,
Neha Gupta
PS – I will be doing a LIVE Q&A on April 16th at 2pm CST on Facebook about my services so go ahead and tune in!