Navigate the Common App with confidence. Learn how to complete each section, craft a strong personal statement, request recommendations, and avoid common mistakes.
Confused about financial aid award letters? Learn how to compare college offers, understand key terms, and choose the best financial aid package for your future.
Learn how to successfully apply for need-based and merit-based scholarships. Get expert tips on finding opportunities, writing strong applications, and maximizing financial aid.
Wondering whether Dual Enrollment or AP classes are better for your college application? Explore the key differences, advantages, and how each can impact your chances of college admission.
Learn top tips for crafting a college résumé that stands out. From formatting to showcasing your skills and experiences, discover how to make your résumé shine and impress admissions officers.
Discover the rise of online degrees and whether they’re worth it. Learn about their benefits, challenges, and how they compare to traditional education options.
Discover the benefits and risks of taking a gap year. Learn how to make the most of this time, explore career paths, and plan for a successful transition to college.
Create a stress-free college application process with our ultimate checklist. From researching colleges to submitting your applications, this step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know for a successful college application.
College Shortcuts Capstone projects help kids get hands on experience and make their application stand out.