
Our team

The College Shortcuts has an unparalleled team. Our team is highly diverse with over 150 years of work experience. We are proud to say that with every dollar you spend at College Shortcuts, a portion goes towards scholarships for underprivileged students, to parents who are supporting their children, educational tuition, and the global community. Our team speaks for itself.

Executive Team

Neha Gupta

Founder and CEO

Neha Gupta is a graduate of Rice University and UPENN, majoring in both Economics and Business, as well as a Masters from the Graduate School of Education in Educational Entrepreneurship joint with Wharton Business School. She is a Jacobs Fellow as well as the recipient of Wharton Innovation Fund for her ventures. Neha Gupta is the founder of College Shortcuts, Dream Life Foundation, Dream School TV, and winner of Houston's Fast 100 Companies by Houston Business Journal as one of the top 5 companies. Her past corporate experience of being an intrapreneur was at Goldman Sachs as one of the only interns picked from her college program. Neha Gupta is a three-time best selling author, TEDx speaker, and passionate about lighting passion in the next generation. She is a nerd who also spoke at her high school class, and her parents went to IIT. Her parents have owned schools in the US, a university in India, and brought teachers to America to educate students in schools in rural parts of the US. Education is part of her genetics. 

High performance families call on Neha to ignite their students into action and take a step by step approach to getting into their dream college and beyond. Organizations like Rice University, KPMG, hundreds of high schools, and more call on Neha to transform, change, and uplift their members into finding their passion and building their dreams.  She has been invited to Richard Branson's private island to discuss minority women in entrepreneurship, Tony Robbins' private island for business masterminds, and Mindvalley Universities goal of shifting the educational system as an advisor of their teen program. Neha has been featured on Good Morning LA, FOX News, ABC News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Vanity Fair, and over 100 publications for her expertise in business, entrepreneurship, and educational expertise. Gupta is passionate about self development and has been trained in NLP, attended every Tony Robbins event, Joe Dispenza Meditation, Silent Retreats, Global Youth Leadership Summit in both California and India, and infuses this into College Shortcuts. If you want to know more about Neha in depth, go to www.heyneha.com her personal site. 

She is the head of College Shortcuts and has decided to build a company that focuses on a smaller group of students with more hands-on attention and involvement. Her most recent passion is infusing her passion for achievement with fulfillment and bringing Dr. Rao onboard to help families achieve with the reduction of stress and anxiety through his teachings of ancient wisdom. She feels that when a child leaves home it is so important to have a strong bond in the family unit and harmony to enjoy this last year together - and this is what makes College Shortcuts unlike any other company in the industry. College Shortcuts is the most cutting edge in bringing technologies, partners, and heart-centeredness to a rat-race industry, that you just won’t find this type of service anywhere else.  


Enrollment Director

Jeff is a seasoned enrollment director at College Shortcuts helping to ensure families are a solid fit for our program. Jeff has two kids in top 20 universities and is well-versed on what it takes to get in.

Marketing Team


Marketing and Advertising Specialist


Graphic Design and Branding Specialist


Site Development

College Admissions Consultants

This is a taste of our amazing consultants to get a sense of the amazing caliber of consultants we have on our team.


With both a bachelors and masters degree, Geetha brings forth an impressive ten years of experience in education, career mentorship, and student advocacy, empowering students to break barriers, embrace their strengths, and craft applications that stand out to high-end college recruiters. From strategic application planning to compelling personal statements and interview coaching, she ensures that every student presents the strongest, most authentic version of themselves. As Board Secretary for the Carl Jung Society, Geetha brings a psychoanalytic-oriented approach to mentorship, helping students not just “get in,” but find the Ivy League where they will thrive and provide tools to grow into the leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.Geetha's mission is simple: to help students open the right doors and step into the future with confidence. Your journey starts here, and she is honored to walk it with you!


Vibi is a passionate college admissions consultant with a strong academic background, holding a bachelors and masters degree. In addition she has been a professor at a top university working with students directly in a highly motivated environment and Vibi offers a well-rounded approach to helping students navigate the college admissions process. She combines her academic expertise, critical thinking skills, and dedication to personal development to guide students through application strategies, essay writing, and finding the right college fit. Vibi is committed to empowering students, especially those with a passion for making a difference in the world, by providing tailored, supportive, and inclusive guidance. She has helped and worked with hundreds of students over the last 8 years.


I have a strong background in academic mentoring and student support and am currently pursuing a master’s degree. I am passionate about helping students navigate the college admissions process with clarity and confidence. I have previously worked at the Writing Center, where I honed expertise in guiding students through personal statements, application essays and interview preparation. In addition to admissions consulting I also worked as a high school teacher bringing first hand knowledge of secondary education and college readiness. I am dedicated to fostering student success and taking a personalized approach to mentoring so I can ensure every applicant showcases their strengths effectively. I have helped multiple students achieve Ivy League admissions and hope to do so for you in the future.


Dhaya is one of our top consultants who has worked in education for years. A former English teacher, Dhaya enjoys bringing top-notch editing skills and years of experience with high school students to her work. Dhaya's warm, encouraging and interactive approach helps students stay confident in a stressful process.


Mackenzie received her degree from Rice University and went on to begin her career in structured fixed income on Wall Street.  With an entrepreneurial spirit, she has started three businesses and continues to act in multiple consulting and advisory roles.  Mackenzie had a great college experience and is passionate about helping students find the best fit for them. In addition, she has worked as an interviewer at top 20 school admissions offices and is very well versed in what students need to do to stand out. She is one of our most accomplished consultants and is truly excited to give back to the next generation of students.


Sophia graduated with a Bachelor’s in Education Studies from New York University and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Education from the University of Maryland. For the past two years, Sophia has been helping hundreds students get into their dream schools through SAT/ACT prep and college application guidance. With a strong background in writing and student mentorship, Sophia is dedicated to supporting students in achieving their academic and career goals.


Dahlia is a top consultant who has worked at KIPP high schools as a college counselor to help students in the entire process for the last few years. In addition, she is a masters student in education and has been involved in hundreds of students acceptances into top universities.