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UC Irvine Acceptance Rate

College Admissions

UC Irvine has produced incredible alumni ranging from Jon Lovitz to Alice Sebold to McG. It’s one of ten campuses that make up the University of California system and is heavily involved with research fascinating topics like the effect of outer space on the brain. Because of this connection to the University of California complex, UC Irvine is considered one of the Public Ivies: a public university with an academic rigor comparable to the traditional, private Ivy League schools on the east coast. If you’re curious about what the UC Irvine acceptance rate is and how likely you are to be accepted, be sure to keep reading.

What is the UC Irvine Acceptance Rate

The UC Irvine Acceptance Rate is 40.7%. Their admissions department received close to 80,000 applications and accepted almost 32,000 as its most recent incoming class. Those are incredible numbers for a university like UC Irvine. What can we learn about the UC Irvine acceptance rate from these students?

  •    roughly 84% have 4.0 or above GPA
  •    about 70% of accepted students have an ACT score between 31 and 36
  •    the majority of incoming students have SAT subsection scores between 700 and 800
  •    around 60% have completed 15 or more honors courses between grades 7 and 12
  •    almost 67% are California residents

In addition to being at the top of their game academically, these students are heavily focused on taking advanced courses and taking home very competitive scores in terms of standardized tests. So how does this help you if you’re considering applying to UC Irvine? By taking a closer look at the accepted student pool, you can see if you have what it takes to get in currently. If you’re a little below their average numbers, you have the ability to improve before submitting your application for review.

So what can you do to improve your chances of being accepted?

Boost Your Chances of Being Accepted by UC Irvine

The UC Irvine acceptance rate is reasonably competitive and most students stand a very good chance of being admitted. But in today’s climate of increasing competition for college acceptance slots, leaving your admissions potential at “a very good chance” isn’t always enough. I don’t mean to discourage you. My only goal here is to help by being sure you are informed. College admission is tough nowadays. And that’s why I’m going to share with you the tips I give all of my students when they’re preparing for college.

Find a College Consultant

We’ve already established that the UC Irvine acceptance rate is competitive. I really recommend you partner with a college consultant and work with them on all of your college applications. They’re in the business of helping students’ applications get noticed by admissions committees. Even students at the top of their graduating class can use a helping hand navigating the college application process. So take some stress off your shoulders and find one who can help you.

Study Hard and Get Good Grades

Even though UC Irvine has specific GPA and A-G requirements for you to fulfill, I recommend that you exceed them. Their requirements are a minimum only. I tell my students to take four years of English, math, social studies, and the sciences, at least three years of the same foreign language, and all the AP and IB classes they can handle. I encourage you to do the same and to work with a tutor as often as possible to ensure you’re grasping the content of each.

Master Your Standardized Tests

Where the UC Irvine acceptance rate is competitive, their standardized test scores are also incredibly high. In addition to using your scores on the Pre-ACT and PSAT to determine which standardized test you’re going to focus on, you should work with a coach who has a high score in the test you settle on. With your coach, practice as much as you can with previous official tests and test prep books. Your coach can tailor a test prep program to your needs and help increase your score in the process.

Pursue Your Passions

Always working on making yourself appealing to college can make you increasingly anxious and depressed, especially if you don’t give yourself a break from all that studying. You’re in high school and although preparing for your future demands a lot of dedication, you don’t have to lock yourself in your room doing nothing except homework for four years. Extracurricular activities not only give your brain a rest and let you hang out with friends, but they also make you more appealing to schools like UC Irvine. Colleges want to accept students that are contributing to the world around them and making it a better place. Don’t be afraid to flaunt your passions. They set you apart from the rest of the applicants.

With UC Irvine economics professor Peter Navarro joining the White House, you’re sure to hear more and more about this school. Pulling in an almost 41% acceptance rate with a strong background in research, UC Irvine expects academic excellence from it applicants. If you’re serious about attending, be sure to partner with a college consultant to help you during the application process, make sure you have a solid academic record with advanced courses in your schedule, bring home a high standardized test score, and fill your spare time with extracurricular activities that give back to the world around you.

What are your thoughts on UC Irvine? Have you ever heard of Public Ivies before? Let us know in the comments section below. We can’t wait to see what you think!

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