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2 Essential Time Management Tips

Personal Development

Find yourself reaching the end of the day with most of your “To Do” list undone? Time management is a skill that many students struggle with at some point in their education career. It is a skill you don’t realize you lack until you really need it. In addition, the necessity of time management increases as a person progresses from high school to college to graduate school or industry and so on. Therefore, it helps to develop it early. There are a few tips which may help you develop your time management skills

1. The “Jar of Rocks”

If have a bunch of rocks of different sizes and you want to fit as many as possible into a jar, how would you go about it? If you start with the smaller rocks and then the medium sized rocks, you may get most of them in. However, there will be no way that you get the large rocks in. Think of the large rocks as the most important tasks you need to accomplish in a given day. If you spend your day putting these off and filling your time with the less important tasks, the small rocks, you will reach the end of the day in a panic because you failed to get important things done. If you place the large rocks in the jar first, you can then fill in the space that remains with the medium and small rocks, maximizing your space. The same works with a given day. Accomplish your most important tasks first, and then fill in the rest of your time with the tasks that are not as critical.

2. Make A Schedule

It is very easy to slack off and waste time if you just have a vague idea of things you need to do each day and the amount of time you have to do them. If you map out the day with the amount of time you will spend doing each item on your “To Do” list, your time management will make it more likely to accomplish those items. Having an overview of your day or your week will also help you be more efficient in completing tasks. You can and should even schedule in relaxing or fun time. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

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