Wow, can you believe that it is almost the end of the school year? Yes, there are less than 25 school days left for many students – and we are charging at 100 miles to the end of the school year.
And with that comes the dreaded finals. While many students are about to gear up for AP exams, many students are also starting to have their last tests to boost their grade.
By this point, your child is probably going to start talking to you about finals the week before – which is mid-May. Let me tell you something.
Teenagers are not built to plan ahead. Literally, like scientifically they can’t actually do it. Let me tell you why – their pre-frontal cortex is not formed. They can’t actually think ahead which is why they are in reactionary mode constantly – and you sometimes deal with the brunt of it.
So, I am here to tell you that it is so important for you as the parent to focus on the importance of planning ahead.
Can you imagine – so many subjects are cumulative like languages, math, science, etc. So, your kid has to memorize upwards of 10 months worth of material.

I decided to come up with a plan that can help.
If your child is studying for one subject – it takes roughly 10 hours of tutoring to get through all the material needed (if they are doing average in the class).If your child needs help in two subjects – 20 hours.
Three subjects. 30 hours.
Four subjects. 40 hours.
And, let me tell you the sweet deal I have for you. It expires in 48 hours. If you buy a package from me of 10, 20, 30, or 40 hours I will give you free tutoring hours.
So, if you get 10 hours, you get 1 hour free.
If you get 20 hours, you get 2 hours free.
If you get 30 hours, you get 3 hours free.
If you get 40 hours, you get 40 hours free.
Our tutoring rates range from $99-119 per hour on academic coaching, and $149-199 per hour for AP exam prep and SAT and ACT Help.
Go ahead and let me know if you want to get $100-$500 off in tutoring right now. Start planning ahead. Finals are around the corner – and every single grade matters when it comes to going to a good college.
PS – Join me on April 26th to talk about finals prep for your child at 3pm CST.