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Low ACT, High GPA

College Admissions

Hi everyone this is Neha Gupta Founder of and Today I want to ask you a question so many times I've heard. Well, my kids have great GPA but horrible test (or at the ACT SAT) can they get in? Well, here I just wanna tell you few things about it because I think so many times we stress out about these scores and I'm here to tell you there are two other parts of the application you're forgetting: essays and resume. Let me tell you another thing, you know so many times, you're feeling defeated or your child doesn't want to prep anymore for it but i'm going to tell you there are some incredible coaches out there. I have incredible coaches on my team. We help students just you know nationally with a click of button you have a Skype video going with one of the top coaches to help you raise to help raise your ACT/SAT score because you absolutely can get coach to do better on that test and they do. A lot of you were saying well my kid doesn't do well on test or whatever but I've heard that for ten years. I'm here to tell you that's abolutely coachable. The second thing I want to talk about is GPA. Another thing I hear from parents all the time well my kid's a B student you know. My opinion of B student is actually A student with a B layer on top like a bad frosting. Okay i'm sure to tell you that there little tweaks that could be happening of those careless mistakes or the little confusion points on the concepts that absolutely can get kids to A's. Coaches are incredible incredible part of the equation that so many families use across the country. They say in the upwards of thirty percent of families, one in three are getting outside help of some sort with our kid so when it comes to a bad test score and good GPA you're wondering for kid could get in? I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to still use the resources available. I'll tell you the key: Elite Private Tutors, one of the top tutoring agencies is in Texas. It is incredible getting to work with families and see the results we've been getting with test scores GPA and everything else. We also help through with our courses on how to get into college and of course I work with high-end clients specifically on their essays and resume as well but we also have essay shortcuts, resume shortcuts and college shortcuts too. So I'm here to tell you good GPA bad test score but incredible essay and resume can still get into a top college. It's all about how do you package all of it together and do it right. Again, this is Neha Gupta, founder of College Shortcuts and Elite Private Tutors. We've got solutions for you. If you're searching for this, reach out and we will respond to every single email, phone, text, call, and Facebook message that you send us so please reach out so we can help even if you're not sure what your question is just say hello I love to say how do you too! Have an awesome day! Bye.

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