I’ll keep this short and sweet.
I was featured on the front cover of Academics magazine with a pretty great spread about me. Think.. your favorite Einstein’s Bagel spread – Honey Almond right?
Well this one is even better

Check out the article:
This is my tell all behind my story and why kids are getting in every single day.
Some things you might like to read about:
-How your child could be the next Oprah Winfrey, Olympian, or…
-How self-care is the new healthcare
-How my college counselor at school crushed me
Hope you enjoy this one – probably my most favorite feature ever since getting featured in Vanity Fair! This feature is a great read, even for your teenager, or friends, to really hear an inspirational story.
PS - Tomorrow I am going to tell you about a student that I got into 10 out of 10 colleges with over $300,000 in scholarships.