8th-12th Grade: The Genius Network with Neha

Group College Admissions Mentorship with Neha

Now more than ever, colleges are looking at more than just academic success - they are looking for confident, competent, unique young adults who are already showcasing their interests. Our Genius Group Mentorship Program with Neha helps both parents and students.

Genius Group Coaching with Neha:

  • Capstone Project: Work with a team of genius students nationally to create national impact (24 Calls over 12 months), this will include an Honors and Award for the application, volunteer hour credit through Dream Life Foundation of 24 hours and more, and a certificate of completion
  • Passion Research Paper: Research Paper Guaranteed Published Online - Students will create a Published Research Paper that will help them to stand out in admissions (24 Calls over 12 months)
  • Private, exclusive network of geniuses who are in the top of their class doing amazing things to learn from and build a solid network for your student - max 20 students
  • 4 calls per month: Tuesdays 6-7 CST, Wednesday 5-6 CST, every other week on zoom

What is the Genius Group Mentorship Program?

Our Genius Mentorship Program is designed to guide students in discovering their passions, developing essential skills, and preparing for future success. The curriculum focuses on academic strategy, extracurricular activity strategy, self-advocacy, and taking ownership of personal and academic life. Students learn to identify their interests, set SMART goals, manage time effectively, and build leadership skills. They also develop confidence, self-awareness, effective communication, and extroversion/assertiveness techniques to advocate for themselves. The entire curriculum is built from Neha Gupta, graduate of both Rice and UPENN, where she learned at UPENN her Masters in Education. 

Capstone Project for 2024: Empowering Students, Shaping Futures:

The AspireEd Initiative - Capstone Project:

AspireEd is a groundbreaking national project where students come together to create an innovative online platform and podcast series. Addressing the gaps in traditional educational resources, this student-led initiative aims to provide comprehensive career exploration and guidance for teenagers across the country who lack accessibility and resources.

Covering a wide range of topics from engineering and medicine to justice activism and computer science, AspireEd offers a dynamic, multi-media learning experience. Through engaging videos, thought-provoking content, and interactive community features, students can discover their passions, learn essential skills, and connect with mentors and peers who share their interests.

Backed by the Dream Life Foundation non-profit, participants will earn valuable volunteer hours and strengthen their college applications - all while making a lasting impact on the lives of younger students. They will also receive a leadership position, Honors and Awards, and a certificate of completion.

You'll also contribute to the development of the Genius platform and podcast series, lending your voice and expertise to shape the learning experience for students nationwide in your passion and interest. From creating engaging video content to spearheading initiatives, you'll gain invaluable leadership, communication, and project management skills - all of which will elevate your college applications. This is your chance to distinguish yourself as a driven, intellectually curious, and solution-oriented student. Join the Genius movement and unlock a world of opportunities for your future success.

This project will boost student resumes, stand out in admissions in creating an innovative solution, and also have national to international impact. Colleges want to see students who work with like-minded students nationally and create LARGER impact than just their community. Your student will be grouped with other students with like-minded interests in the group in creating their vertical on their passion.

Passion Research Paper:

As a part of the genius network, you'll have the unique advantage of working with Neha, an Ivy League graduate from the University of Pennsylvania to conduct in-depth research in your area of interest. Whether it's engineering, medicine, justice activism, or computer science, you'll dive deep into your chosen subject under the guidance of an expert mentor in our group sessions.

The end result:
A comprehensive 12-20 page research paper that you can proudly include on your college applications, showcasing your intellectual curiosity and academic prowess.

But the support doesn't stop there.
Neha will work closely with you throughout the research and writing process, from ideation and topic selection to source-finding and polished editing from the College Shortcuts team. You'll have the opportunity to refine your paper during our weekly research calls, tapping into the collective knowledge and feedback of your peers. Go from ideation and topic idea to published in 24 calls!

And the cherry on top:
Your finalized work will be guaranteed publication online at an established Research Institute and mentored by an Ivy League mentor.

Join Our Exclusive Genius Group Mentorship Program


Who is it for?

Students in 8th-12th grade who already have a sense of their passion. Geniuses who are in the top 15-20% of their class, driven, hard working, and are open to getting peak performance coaching. Students who want to join a community nationally similar to them. We interview every family to ensure they are a solid fit for our program. We have students who have attended summer programs in the genius network at: Harvard, Yale, Wharton Entrepreneurship, Brown, Georgia Tech, and more. We have students who have written published papers at 8th grade. We have students who have built their confidence skills. We have students who are in CA, TX, NJ, NY, OH, VA, IL, and more. This network is incredible and full of geniuses - wouldn't you want your student around this caliber of individual?

Who is it not for? 

Students who do not know what they want to do. Students who do not know how to use a calendar, show up to calls, or check their emails. If you need us to help your student to figure out their passion and build their interest, please look into our VIP one on one coaching program. Parents who do not value the power of coaching for their student, or students who are not going to carve the time out do this program. This is also not for students who do not show up and don’t do the work. You need to consider this an extracurricular activity as well in your schedule - and please assume about 4-6 hours per month of work including class.

How long is the commitment?

This is a one year commitment where students will have a total of 48 calls total. In these calls half will focus on project work and half will focus on the research paper. Homework - barely 1 -3 hour per month outside of sessions. We keep everything within our calls as most of our students are top 10% and are busy with top classes and other items.

Do students get their papers published?

Yes, 100% of our students will get an online publication for their paper, and can share this on their resume for admissions. 

How about extracurricular strategies and summer activity strategy?

100% of our students have solid summer plans with competitive programs across the country getting help with their applications and due dates. In addition, all of them have a strong sense of their extracurricular plans as well.

Why do you do a project? Why not just run a program for research papers?

If you want just a research paper, there are tons of programs available that do just that. At College Shortcuts, we build innovative solutions that help students to get the edge in admissions, not just a published paper.

A national impact project is what colleges want to see - not just the typical HOSA, DECA, Karate activity on the resume. This is where we stand out!

Can you give examples of papers that students work on?

Due to confidentiality and competitiveness of admissions, we cannot give direct examples. We can share that students are writing detailed papers on finance, AI, entrepreneurship, engineering, medicine, computer science, law, and many more topics. The papers are roughly 12-20 pages with over 20 sources and written in detail while we come up with the outline, topic sentence, thesis, and help guide students in 24 calls on how to go from a concept to a published paper. Again, we would love to share our papers, but due to the competitive nature and stealing that can occur with student work, we cannot share the exact work as many of our families want their work private. You can see student’s testimonials here: https://collegeshortcuts.com/testimonials 

What is included in the program?

48 calls total in a 12 month period. A research paper. A national impact project. A student who has more extroverted qualities, passionate, driven, confident, and stronger soft skills. A network of top geniuses across the US. An expert coach with over 20 years of experience. Any Ivy League Mentor. Guaranteed publishing. Volunteer Hours. Leadership Positions. Certificate of Completion.

Help Your Child Achieve Their
Fullest Potential Today for Their
Brightest Future Tomorrow.

Neha's genius group coaching program is powerful for families who want a guidance counselor on steroids who will give you direct feedback on what you need to do. Working with Neha, your child will be ready to tackle any competitive university environment successfully and confidently.

Published Research Paper

A guided research project for students to enhance their college admissions applications.

Prepare For Academia With a Rigorous Research Paper

Our independent research program is led by Neha, graduate of UPENN Masters program. All students will work in a group setting and create a paper on their topic of choice. Students who have research have an improved chance of admissions by over 30% compared to students who do not have an outside of school project. Our team will have papers reviewed by someone in the field as well as help students get their papers published.

Why Choose A Research Paper?

Especially for students entering into highly technical fields, it’s critical to show that they have the capacity to process information at a high level and find relevant data with valuable, real-world applications. 

Many college admissions officers want to see why you are interested in a specific major. By creating an independent research project, your child will get a head start in every way. Not only will this help to shape their mind, but it will provide resilience, endurance, good study habits, and confidence as they move into college.

What Does Our Research Paper Include?

Research 101
Most teens don’t know a thing about quality research (unless it’s happening on Wikipedia or TikTok). We provide a crash course on how to effectively research, draw conclusions, and clearly communicate findings based on that research.

Group Mentorship 
For the duration of the research program, your student will work with us on their project. We’ll help them find a topic they care about and flush out their ideas thoroughly.

Complete Support
Our team will review all drafts of the research paper and provide comprehensive feedback, editing, and advice as your teen puts together their project. We will also help them navigate the process of getting it reviewed, and getting it submitted for publication. Guaranteed publication!

Get An Assessment

The Key To College Acceptance Is Standing Out

The key to college acceptance, especially at competitive schools, is distinguishing yourself from the crowd. Most teenagers are doing the same five things: volunteering at a local hospital, joining the science olympiad, taking AP classes, aiming for all A’s, and excelling on the SAT/ACT. While these efforts are commendable, they only get you in the front door of regular colleges. To truly stand out, you need something more. Joining a genius network, working with a group of national students, and writing a research paper all under an Ivy League mentor is what gets you in.

By joining our program, your student will build a compelling and standout profile that captures the attention of competitive college admissions committees. Invest in their future today and give them the edge they need to achieve their academic dreams.

When you join this exclusive cohort, you get access to:

Community Platform

All Call Recordings and Lessons

Neha's Virtual Summer Camp - interviewing over 25 leading professionals in their fields

I’ve helped students get into their dream school. Be the next.

Take the first step to a bright future by joining our exclusive program today.


Parents and students love College Shortcuts!

College Shortcuts Testimonial - Tej

College Shortcuts Testimonial - Mentorship and Applications

College Shortcuts Testimonial - Mentorship and Apps

College Shortcuts Testimonial - Brinda - Mentorship and Apps

College Shortcuts Testimonial - Ishaan - Mentorship and Applications

College Shortcuts Testimonial - Maya - Mentorship and Applications

College Shortcuts Student Sushanth does Mentorship and Applications

Hear from this mom as she worked with College Shortcuts in mentorship and applications

Hear from Sushanth who did both mentorship and applications with College Shortcuts

Hear from Ishaan who was part of mentorship, capstone projects, and Application Fast Track

Top Entrepreneur Shares How Application Fast Track and Mentorship Helped His Daughter So Much

Parent Testimonial about Mentorship and Applications

Meena P



Testimonial on Mentorship Program

I was able to achieve the necessary grades in high school along with high ACT/SAT scores to attend my top college choice. Not only is she professional but caring and always available for consultation. Her method of coaching cannot be described as anything less than amazing.


Student @ University of Texas

Neha made my entire college process easy and quick. I was able to create essays and a resume that stood out way beyond my peers. Mine essays were much deep in content and more compelling. I got into my number one choice!


Student @ University of Texas

I feel like I can breathe easier. The College Shortcuts program helped me to get so much done in less than 4 weeks. I was able to apply to my top college by working on essays and the resume portion in such a quick time compared to my peers.


Student @ University of Florida

Exclusive Genius Group Mentorship with Neha

Having a college admissions expert help your family to know what you need to know in the process can increase the probability of your student getting into their dream school.